Olli Rytsölä

MD, Orthopaedic surgeon, PhD student

Role in FICEBO:

Clinical researcher – FinDisc, PhD student

Who are you?

I am an orthopaedic spine surgeon at the Helsinki University Central Hospital. I ride my bike to work daily all year round, enjoy all types of skiing and play guitar occasionally.

Favorite part of your job?

Working in multidisciplinary teams to solve complex clinical cases or challenges in trial design. Hands-on working in the operating room is naturally the spice of my job.

Why did you decide to enter your field?

Orthopaedic surgery in general seemed like fun. Choosing the right patients, determining the proper treatment plan and carrying out a precisely executed procedure make an intriguing combination in spinal surgery.

Who/What inspires you?

A glass of wine after a good day of sailing in the beautiful Finnish archipelago often gives me inspiration and new ideas.

The most interesting article you’ve read recently?

“Surgery versus Conservative Care for Persistent Sciatica Lasting 4 to 12 Months” by Chris Bailey and colleagues. It was an RCT published in the NEJM in 2020.

Your favorite book and why?

The Celestial Sphere (Taivaanpallo) by Olli Jalonen is a depiction of research in the time of scientific revolution and a very exciting story.
